TJSC 2021 Fall Workshop
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Theme: Project Based Language Learning
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Masako Douglas, Professor Emerita, California State University, Long Beach
Date: Sunday, October 24, 2021
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m PDT
Delivery Format: Zoom
Workshop Presentation Summary
外国語教育のアプローチの変遷をみると、1990年代初頭に「言語を教える」というアプローチに「言語で教える」というアプローチが加わりました。アカデミックな内容を第二言語で学ぶという考え方は、昔からラテン語が学習言語として使われていたように、決して新しい考え方ではありませんが、外国語教育に体系的に組み込まれ始めたのが1990年代ということになり、この時期に内容重視の教え方(Content Based Instruction)が提唱され始めました。プロジェクト型言語学習(Project Based Language Learning)もこの内容重視のアプローチの一つと考えられます。今日では、プロジェクト学習、プロジェクトアプローチ、プロジェクト型言語学習などさまざまな用語が使われています。これらの用語は学習の原理や内容が全く違うのですが、ともすれば同義語として使われてるのをよく見かけます。
Biography of the Keynote Speaker
Dr. Masako Douglas (ダグラス昌子先生)
Professor Masako Douglas is Professor Emerita of Japanese at the California State University, Long Beach. Prof. Douglas earned a Ph.D. in education from the University of Southern California. She had taught Japanese at the University of California, Los Angeles before she moved to the California State University, Long Beach in 2001. Her primary research includes curriculum design and instructional effectiveness of immersive language learning, such as Content Based Language Instruction (CBLI) and Project Based Language Learning (PBLL) approach, and literacy development of young and adult learners of Japanese as a foreign/heritage language. She has written articles and given presentations on topics such as effectiveness of CBLI, kanji ability of heritage learners of Japanese, L1 use in writing in Japanese as a foreign and heritage language, pedagogical theories and the approach to teach young heritage learners of Japanese, and development of a PBLL curriculum with interculturality. Her publication includes “Instructional Design in Early Literacy Development Stage of Japanese Heritage Language Education: Focusing on Reading Instruction” (On-line Japanese as a Heritage Language Journal Vol. 5, 1-47); Teaching JFL learners and JHL learners in a mixed-level class (In Kimi Kondo-Brown, Mitsuyo Sakamoto & Tomomi Nishikawa (Eds.), Oya to Ko o Tsunagu Keishoogo Kyooiku, 160-174); “Assessing the Effectiveness of Content-Based Language Instruction (CBLI) in Japanese at the College Advanced Level (Japanese Language and Literature”, 51(2), 199-242).
Prof. Douglas is a chair of Japanese as a Heritage Language SIG of the American Association of Teachers of Japanese, a steering committee member of the National Coalition of Community-Based Heritage Language Schools, a board member of Bilingual/Multilingual Child Network. She is a PBLL mentor at the National Foreign Language Resource Center, University of Hawai’i. She is a recipient of the American Association of Teachers of Japanese 2012 Teacher Award.
9:00-9:15 Greetings and Announcements
9:15-10:25 Session I
10:25-10:35 Q & A
10:35-10:45 Break
10:45-11:45 Session II
11:45-12:00 Q & A
12:00-12:20 Round up
12:20-12:30 Evaluation & Closing