TJSC Membership Application Form
○ 会員専用サイト(研修会でのハンドアウトや教材例等)の閲覧
○ 会員専用メーリングリストの利用(すなわち、地域のイベント案内や教員募集案内の受信、及び送信)
1. このページの下にあるTJSC会員登録フォームに必要事項をご入力ください。
2. 会費 ($20) をお支払いください。
○ ご登録のメールアドレスに会員登録完了通知が届きます。
○ 登録フォームにご入力いただいたメールアドレスを、会員専用メーリングリストに登録いたします。
○ お申し込み後、数日経っても通知が届かない場合は、お手数ですが、 までご通知くださいますようお願いいたします。
◎Who is eligible for membership?
Any individual who is involved with or interested in Japanese education.
◎Main benefits of the membership:
○ Members-Only website - workshop handouts, sample teaching materials, etc.
○ Members-Only mailing list - local announcements about jobs, events, etc. You can both receive and submit such email messages.
◎Membership Fee
$20 for one year, from November 1st to October 31 in the following year. Regardless of when you join, the membership fee is a flat rate of $20, and everyone's membership expires on October 31st every year.
◎How to become a member
1. Fill out the TJSC Membership Application Form.
2. Pay the membership fee ($20).
◎What happens next?
○ We will send you a welcome email message to you.
○ We will register your email address to the Members-Only Mailing List.
○ If you do not receive a welcome email after a few days of submission, please report it to
For general questions about TJSC, send an email to
登録したメールアドレスに会員登録完了通知が届きます。メールの表題にはWelcome to TJSC!と書かれています。
<Important Note>
Once your registration is completed, you will receive a receipt titled “Welcome to TJSC!“
Announcements from TJSC and members will be directed to the registered email address through the members-only mailing list.