2022 Fall Workshop
Title:「Empowering Students through Performance-Based Assessment with SEL Strategies」
Presenter: Dr. Yoshiko Saito-Abbott
Date: Sunday, October 23, 2022
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. (PDT)
Registration Fee: $5 (2022-2023 TJSC Membership is required.)
Delivery Format: Zoom (The Zoom meeting URL will be sent to all registered participants)
Workshop Presentation Summary
This workshop explores strategies for building students’ intercultural communicative competence and empowering global citizenship. After going through unexpected challenging shifts between in-person learning and online learning, and the current uncertain situation of not knowing when the Pandemic will end, how can we support students to build proficiency? How can teachers elevate students' learning with SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) strategies to support students’ development of Japanese language proficiency?
Based on a recent survey the AATJ and JFLA conducted, teachers expressed concerns about their students’ performance especially in productive skills such as in speaking and writing interpersonal and presentational modes of communication. In this workshop participants will explore performance-based assessments and the role of feedback through performance-based assessments to prepare students for the future Global world.