TJSC 2019 Fall Workshop ~The 35th Anniversary~
Theme: World-Readiness Standards
Keynote Speakers: Dr. Yasu-Hiko Tohsaku from the University of California, San Diego
Dr. Hiroko Kataoka from California State University, Long Beach
Date: Sunday, October 27, 2019 Time: 9:30 am to 4:00 pm (Registration starts at 9:00 am)
Location: Notre Dame High School Address: 13645 Riverside Dr., Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
Workshop Presentation Summary
TJSC 発足 35 周年を記念する 2019 年秋の研修会のテーマは、「World-Readiness Standards」です。基調講演には、カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校の當作靖彦先生およびカリフォルニア州立大学ロングビーチ校の片岡裕子先生をお迎えします。
午前中のセッションではWorld-Readiness Standardsについてご講義いただきます。五つのゴール、11のスタンダーズを改定前と比較しながらご説明いただき、Sample Progress IndicatorsとLearning Scenariosを簡単に見ていきます。改定されたスタンダーズの目的、特徴、意義、スタンダーズをどのようにクラスで反映させるかについてもお話しいただき、グループディスカッションも行います。
午後のセッションではSample Progress Indicatorsを読み、参加者の先生方にフィードバックをしていただきます。そして、ハンズオンでグループごとにシナリオを一つずつ作成してみます。シナリオの発表後、スタンダーズのこれからの変更、使用について参加者全員で話し合います。
Biography of the Keynote Speakers
Dr. Yasu-Hiko Tohsaku (當作靖彦先生)
Ph.D. inLinguistics from the University of California, San Diego. Currently, Professor at the School of Global Policy and Strategy, University of California, San Diego. Research interests are second language acquisition, foreign language pedagogy, and language testing. Publications include "Yookoso!: Invitation to Contemporary Japanese", "Yookoso!: Continuing with Contemporary Japanese" (both McGraw-Hill), "Doraemon no Dokodemo Nihongo" (Shogakukan), "Nippon 3.0 no Shohosen" (Kodansha), “ICT x Nihongo Kyoiku" (Hitsuji Shobo) and “Social Networking Approach: Theory and Practice" (Taylor and Francis). Published numerous papers related to foreign language teaching and testing, etc. Participated in the development of the National Standards for Learning Foreign Languages. Presently, the Japanese language representative to the Executive Board of the National Standards Collaborative Project. Former Board Member of the Joint National Committee for Languages, the lobbyist group for foreign language education in the United States. Former President of the Association of Teachers of Japanese and American Association of Teachers of Japanese. Currently, President of Computer Assisted System of Teaching and Learning Japanese (CASTEL/J). Project Director, Japanese Global Articulation Project (J-GAP). Received the 2015 Society of Teaching Japanese as a Second Language Award.
Dr. Hiroko Kataoka (片岡裕子先生)
Ph.D. in Education from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, is Professor Emerita of Japanese at California State University, Long Beach, where she teaches half-time as a participant in the Faculty Early Retirement Program. In addition to teaching all levels of Japanese language and Japanese teacher training courses at the university, Prof. Kataoka has been giving numerous workshops throughout the United States and Japan for proficiency-oriented instruction, World-Readiness Standards for Language Learning (previously Standards for Foreign Language Learning), AP® Japanese Language and Culture, and other pedagogy-related issues such as backward curriculum design, differentiated instruction, scaffolding, and many more. She has also served on many regional and national committees and boards, including the Japanese National Standards Task Force (chair), AP® Japanese Task Force, and the boards of directors for the Association of Teachers of Japanese (ATJ), Alliance of Associations of Teachers of Japanese, and the National Council of Japanese Language Teachers (NCJLT). Her current research focuses on heritage speakers of Japanese, Japanese immersion programs, and curriculum issues in teaching Japanese, about which she has written many articles for journals and edited volumes. Kataoka is also one of the authors of Y. H. Tohsaku’s Yookoso Workbooks.
◎ スケジュール
9:00-9:30 Registration
9:30-9:50 Greetings and Announcements
9:50-10:45 Morning session I: Keynote Address
10:45-11:00 Break
11:00-12:00 Morning session II: Keynote Address
12:00-1:15 Lunch
1:15-3:30 Afternoon Session: Hands-on Activity & Sharing (break as needed)
3:30-4:00 Evaluation & Closing Remarks
◎ 会場のご案内
Notre Dame High School:
13645 Riverside Dr., Sherman Oaks, CA 91423
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