2016 Fall Workshop Handouts

The PowerPoint and handouts of the workshop (PDF files) are attached at the bottom of this page. 

Theme:    Broadening Students' Social Perspectives through PBL Curriculum

Speaker:  Mr. Tomokazu Morikawa from George Washington High School

Date:        Sunday, November 6, 2016 (*Daylight Saving Time Ends. 冬時間開始日)

Time:        From 9:30 am to 4:00 pm (Registration starts at 9:00 am) 

Location:  Campbell Hall School (*Lower Gym)

TJSC 2016 Fall Workshop Presentation Summary  by Mr. Tomokazu Morikawa (George Washington High School)

-Broadening Students’ Social Perspectives through PBL Curriculum-

What are essential benefits of learning another language for today’s students? Language learning was once only about gaining knowledge of a foreign language such as structure, vocabulary and culture. But nowadays, communication has become a focus for language learning. As language educators, we should provide more meaningful contexts for our students to improve their learning skills, challenge them to appreciate different values in the world, and gain more multidimensional knowledge for their future.

The presenter will introduce his recently-revised curriculum which incorporates more project-based learning (PBL) that enhances students’ awareness of social justice and empathy. Students need real opportunities to interpret cultural practices and products from language learning in more multidimensional ways, instead of a simply stereotyped introduction of sushiobonobentosumokimono, etc. By discussing and sharing materials he developed, he will show you how to modify existing units to create new ones that reflect "current realities" and use critical pedagogy to promote community involvement, social justice and transformation. Finally, using the IPA approach, participants will design and search for effective class activities and assignments.

Mr. Morikawa will also share his experience of designing good classroom management to enhance group learning, leadership and self-discovery for engaging growth mindsets amongst students. This workshop will create more dialogue for shifting teachers’ mindset for language learning and teaching and share practical ideas for helping students become more collaborative thinkers.


Biography of the Keynote Speaker

Tomokazu Morikawa started his teaching career with the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) over 20 years ago and is currently teaching Japanese at George Washington High School. He is a moderator for the College Board’s AP Japanese Language and Culture Teacher Community. He also serves as a board member of the Japanese American Association of Northern California and other local organizations in San Francisco. He has created curricula with thematic and interdisciplinary approaches that promote the values of interculturality and empathy for students.He challenges himself to motivate students in learning and to make learning more relevant to students by creating interdisciplinary units that promote students’ learning of Japanese language and culture. His project-based units have contributed to creating innovative ways of teaching a foreign language to students within the SFUSD. He has created curriculum, lesson plans, and projects for the Asian Art Museum, College Board, and the SFUSD. He has given local and regional workshops and presentations. He is the recipient of numerous national and regional awards including the Elgin Heinz Outstanding Teacher Award, the Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award by the California Language Teachers’ Association, and the San Francisco Mayor’s Teacher of the Year. The May 2016 Breeze (http://jflalc.org/pub-breeze103-JLEU30.html), a monthly newsletter by the Japan Foundation, Los Angeles, features an article about him.


9:00-9:30         Registration

9:30-9:45         Greetings and Announcements

9:45-12:00       Morning Session Activity & Sharing

9:45-10:45       Social Justice and Empathy 

New Tasks and Challenges for Language Teaching and Learning

                        Introduction of Project-Based Learning (PBL)

10:45-11:00     Break

11:00-12:00       How to Implement PBL to Your Own Existing Curriculum: Design Tips

12:00-1:15        Lunch 

1:15-2:15          Afternoon Session Activity & Sharing: Let's Create a PBL Lesson with IPA! 

2:15-2:30         Break

2:30-3:00        Group Sharing 

3:00-3:30        Resources / Class Management / Q&A

3:30-4:00        Evaluation and Closing Remarks

The PowerPoint and handouts of the workshop (PDF files) are attached here, at the bottom of this page. ↓


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2017 Spring Workshop Handouts


2016 Spring Workshop Handouts