2011 Spring Workshop

Theme: Technology and Language Teaching

Date & Time: Sunday, April 17th.   9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Location: University of Southern California, Taper Hall of Humanities
  3501 Trousdale Parkway University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089

Keynote Speaker: Dorothy Chun 

9:00 - 9:30       Registration
9:30 - 9:45       Greetings and Announcement

9:45 - 12:00     Keynote Lecture     


Dr. Dorothy Chun, University of California, Santa Barbara

"Technology in Service of Language Teaching"


 I. General principles for incorporating technology into language teaching

     A. Rationale: why incorporate technology? From theory to practice

     B. Do's and Don't's

     C. Designing activities

  II. L2 reading

      A. Web 1.0: reading on the Internet

      B. Web 2.0: reading blogs, online forums, social media

      C. Tools to help with reading, e.g., WordChamp WebReader

 III. L2 speaking and listening

      A. "Receptive" listening: podcasts (+ activities), YouTube videos (+ activities)

      B. "Active" listening and speaking: chatting, videoconferencing (Skype, Google video chat, iPhone/iPod)

IV. Culture

      A. Culturally appropriate photos, websites, etc.

      B. Online intercultural exchange (based on "Cultura" model: http://cultura.mit.edu/)   

12:00 - 1:20      Lunch

1:20 - 3:30       Afternoon Session: Hands-on (Group-work)


Group 1: Reading

               Goal: Design activities to enhance the learners' reading skill.

                Tools: Internet, blogs, forums, social media.

                 Group  A 12 Group B (PDF Files)

Group 2: Speaking and Listening

                Goal: Design activities to enhance the learners' speaking and listening skills.

                 Tools: Podcast, YouTube, chatting, videoconferencing.

                  Group 2: Speaking and Listening   Wiki

 Group 3: Culture

                  Goal: Design activities to enhance the learners' knowledge and understanding.

                  Tools:"Cultura" model. (http://cultura.mit.edu/)

 Group 3: Culture   資料  (PDFが開きます)

                        How to create Google Forms
                                   Instruction in English    YouTube Videos in English:  1  2  3
Instruction in Japanese YouTube Videos in Japanese:  1   2

3:30 - 4:00       Evaluation and Closing Remarks


2011 Fall Workshop